“Try not to do too many
things at once. Know what you want, the number one thing
today and tomorrow. Persevere and get it
done.” ~ George Allen
Allen reminds us
of the power of focus and intent with this
quote. Stop for a
moment and look at
your to-do list for the day. How
goals or projects are you chasing?
Imagine you are
at a carnival. Your
goal at the carnival is to gather as
much change and as many prizes as possible by winning the little
games. What would
your strategy be? I
would likely look at the games, choose
which ones I was best at, start with those, and then work my way to the
games. What I
wouldn’t do is try to play
all the games at one time, running around the carnival like a madwoman.
However, in our
lives, we often run around bouncing between a
zillion goals and to-dos, trying to “get it all done.”
What we often overlook is that spreading our
energy and focus from task to task in a manic manner isn’t effective. We mustn’t confuse
busyness with
effectiveness. We
are effective when we
choose our primary focus points and attend to them, and then
move on to the next item.
Your Turn: What items
do you need to focus on today above all others?
Write down three and commit to them above all
Today’s Affirmation: I
focus and succeed.
And as always, don't forget
start your day with a heartfelt: "Something great is
going to
happen today... I can't wait to see what it is!"
And when ending
your day ask yourself: "What is one more thing I can do
make today matter?