“One’s real life is often the
life that one does not lead.” ~
Oscar Wilde
I stumbled
across some quotes from Oscar Wilde, and was
struck again by how easily he captures some of life’s truths in a
sentence. When I
read this quote, it
reminded me of a circle of men and women, sharing stories about all the
have done, could have been, could have seen, sharing their stories of
Options are
Without options, we feel trapped and
vulnerable. When we
generate options and possibilities,
we free our spirit. When
we open
ourselves to options and possibilities, the world brings them to our
door. But there is
an inherent danger in this as
well. While options
and possibilities
are comforting, actually taking advantage of an option or possibility
can leave
us anxious and full of fear. So,
we have
a choice. Do we
take that step, or do we
turn away from the very options and possibilities that we seek?
Many people seek
opportunity and options. They
wait for them. They
watch them come – and they watch them
go. And someday,
they will remember
those options with regret in their voice.
But at least they were safe.
did not stumble, they did not fall, and they were not bruised.
And then there
are other people – there are many fewer of
them, but they exist nonetheless.
people seek out options. They
wait for
them. They watch
them come, and they
hold their breath, and they jump.
And it
is exhilarating, no matter whether they land on their feet or on their
head. Because when
you believe and you jump,
you learn the true meaning of faith.
learn to trust in life and the process, instead of yourself and your
mind. And once you
reach that place…your options
and possibilities are limitless.
Your Turn:
Think about
your life and the options, dreams, and possibilities you have sought
out. Have you
hunted for something, only to
retreat when it landed on your doorstep?
We can only learn and become more by going to
a place we don’t know –
where we have room to become. Columbus couldn’t have
discovered the new
world if he only looked in his backyard.
Where are your options taking you?
What land are you being called to discover? What will you do about it? Will you live your story,
or will you tell a
story of regret?
Today’s Affirmation:
step outside of my comfort zone and into life.
And as always, don't forget
start your day with a heartfelt: "Something great is
going to
happen today... I can't wait to see what it is!"
And when ending
your day ask yourself: "What is one more thing I can do
make today matter?